Become a supporting member
Only $45.00 per year for the entire family. Get involved in the decisions that directly affect your home and neighborhood.
Only $45.00 per year for the entire family. Get involved in the decisions that directly affect your home and neighborhood.
Sending personal emails to or individually calling each of our representatives would be best. Please draft your own correspondence. Form letters or bulk messages do not carry the same weight. Address each issue separately so that your positions don't get lumped together.
Contact information is available at
Post your feelings about important issues on NextDoor and Facebook. Our city leaders tend to monitor social media. This also helps to inform others.
There is strength in numbers. We have well over 3,000 registered voters living in Plantation Acres. A strong voting block is the best way to get things accomplished. If you are new to the Acres or just not registered to vote, please get registered asap! You can contact our Supervisor of Elections for details on how to accomplish this quickly. Go to: