Phone Numbers

City of Plantation

Plantation City Hall: 954-797-2200

Plantation Police (Non-Emergency): 954-797-2100

Plantation Utilities Department: 954-797-2290

Plantation Building and Zoning: 954-797-2250

Plantation Code Enforcement: 954-797-2267

Plantation Public Works: 954-452-2535

Broward County

Broward County Animal Control (after 5:30 pm): 954-765-5124

Broward County Crime Stoppers: 954-493-8477

Broward County Mosquito Control: 954-765-4062

Broward County Sheriff’s Office (Non-Emergency): 954-764-HELP (4357)

Plantation Acres Improvement District

Plantation Acres Improvement District (PAID): 954-474-3092


Coast Guard: 954-927-1611 or 954-921-1612

Florida Power and Light Broward: 954-797-5000

FPL (Downed Power Lines & Outages): (800) 4OUTAGE (800-468-8243)

Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222

Waste Management: 954-974-7500

Wildlife Care Center: 954-524-4302

Women In Distress: 954-761-1133