Park Improvements

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The City negotiated a behind the curtain deal with a builder to sell the Middle Acres Park on 118th Ave and 8th Street as surplus for houses to be built

We were given no notice of the intention until the issue appeared on the City Council Agenda.   The situation with the Covid-19 pandemic apparently halted the project for now, however it is our understanding the Mayor wants to surplus out our parks for houses and it was stated that the City has more parks than the City is required to have.  Our position is that you can never get back the park space once it is built upon for housing.  As we add thousands of new residents with high density building projects under way in Plantation, our Green Space needs to be maintained, it should not be sold for more homes!  If our Green Space is important to you, please join PAHA to assure it is maintained.  It is interesting that the City just won an award for their Parks and is now trying to sell those they deem surplus!  Shouldn’t our elected leaders act in a more transparent manner? Here is the website to sign the petition to save Middle Acres Park: 

We need to make sure that the City Council and the Mayor know that we do not want the parks in Plantation Acres designated as surplus or sold.   We want them improved!