
May 23, 2023, 9:58 AM
If you are disturbed by a nearby “party home,” call police while the activity is ongoing. Their number is 954-797-2100. To report nuisances related to Vacation Rental properties see - For more information about the updated rules for vacation rentals see
May 1, 2023, 1:33 AM
During their April 26 meeting the City Council approved a site plan and conditional use for North Acres Park. They also approved an agreement for the supply and delivery of traffic calming devices planned for 118th Avenue. Thank you council and Samira Shalan, Engineering Director!
Apr 20, 2023, 1:20 AM
In addition to joining our Acres for Life team, please visit our auction site at where you can bid on many luxury personal items and designer fragrances for a fraction of their retail cost. We plan on providing an option for pick up of the item at the Relay or local delivery can be arranged. However, if you see an item that you would like to purchase without going through the auction process, please contact Lizet Hampton at All proceeds go to our American Cancer Society from the Acres for Life Team.
Apr 17, 2023, 9:58 AM
While the city is working hard to implement more stringent rules for vacation rentals, the state is considering restricting local governments from doing just that. Please see and contact lawmakers to make sure they know that HB 833 is bad for neighborhoods, bad for residents, and bad for Florida.  If you are disturbed by a nearby “party home,” call police while the activity is ongoing. Their number is 954-797-2100. For more information about the more stringent rules for vacation rentals see
Apr 8, 2023, 3:07 AM
Please see the latest updates from Phillip Kittell of AAA – The Auto Club Group.
Apr 8, 2023, 12:41 AM
Donate to Acres For Life, your Relay For Life team before April 29.
Apr 7, 2023, 4:04 PM
The Board of Directors has opened the application process of the John George Scholarship Award for 2023.
Apr 2, 2023, 10:50 PM
City of Plantation property owners with outstanding fines and liens for Code violations certified as of November 9, 2022 are eligible for the Amnesty Program. The last day to reach out is Tuesday, May 9, 2023.
Mar 30, 2023, 12:41 AM
Your Relay For Life team, Acres for Life, is hosting a HipPOPs fundraiser this Monday, April 3rd, from 5-8PM. It will be located at 11831 NW 9th Street within Middle Acres. Come enjoy a handcrafted gelato & sorbet on-a-stick, dipped in HipPOPs Signature Belgian Chocolate and topped to perfection with their premium toppings. More information is available by clicking on the title.
Mar 29, 2023, 11:44 PM
Please network with PAHA Patty at