The North Acres Park Project, a $3,451,150.00 passive trail north of Sunrise Boulevard and west of Northwest 118th Avenue continues. Expected completion is late spring. Thank you council and Samira Shalan, Engineering Director! For more information and renderings, click on the title above.
Thank You to Save Our Acres and our community members who supported the candidates that will prioritize the needs of Plantation Acres: Congratulations to Louis Reinstein for Plantation City Councilmember - Pete Gilmore for Plantation Acres Improvement District (PAID) Commissioner - Bill Beazley for Plantation Acres Improvement District (PAID) Commissioner - Michael Gottlieb for State Representative
PAHA is currently recruiting for our Community Service Squad. As a part of the Squad teens will learn how they can have fun while helping our community, assisting some local charities, and earning community service hours. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Heather Seaman for all her time, energy, and efforts assisting us with last year's Community Service Squad. More details are available by clicking on the title above or reach out to Donna McCormack at
Please Call PAID at (954) 474-3092 or visit
If you are disturbed by a nearby “party home,” call police while the activity is ongoing. Their number is 954-797-2100. To report nuisances related to Vacation Rental properties see - For more information about the updated rules for vacation rentals see

Featured Meetings

City Council Meeting Wed Feb 12 6 PM  
PAHA Meeting Tue Feb 18 7 PM 
City Council Meeting Wed Feb 26 6 PM  
PAID Meeting Thu Feb 27 7 PM  


PAHA meets at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of most months except for the months of July and August.  All residents are welcome to attend.  Please join us!

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